Share your thoughts on self care in Dorset

The Dorset General Practice Alliance wants to hear from you. We're asking people in Dorset about how they look after their health, what health information they need, and how confident they feel about managing their own health.

You can help make a difference in healthcare

Your answers will help general practice surgeries in Dorset better understand the support patients need for feeling well and knowing what to do with minor illnesses.

A few minutes can make a big difference

Please see the short survey below. The survey is confidential and only takes about 5 minutes. All answers are anonymous.

The survey is open until 20 January 2025.

Self care for people living in Dorset

If you have any problems viewing this survey, please use this link.

We will keep the Dorset General Practice Alliance webpage updated with a summary of the results and what the next steps are.

If you have any questions about this work contact

Thank you for taking part and for joining in the conversation about ‘self care’ in Dorset.


Alliance Bite Size No. 7 Jan 2025


Alliance Bite Size No.6 Nov 2024